Manage Change

Part of faith is knowing that God knows our future and can provide us ahead of time with what we will need in the future. Scriptures build us up and provide a positive mental attitude to enable us to persevere and move forward in all situations.

What will make your life the best that God intends you to be? What is the good life as defined in the Scriptures? We will explore the answers in the months ahead.

How do we keep up with our rapidly changing world? Keep on learning. The only way to keep up with any kind of change is do not give up. Whether it is technology or faith, the answer is the same. Keep on learning. With faith, the more you study the Scriptures the more you will know about God and what God's wonderful will is for your life. Times and circumstances are changing constantly and we must be prepared to deal with them. The more Scripture you can call upon the more prepared you will be.

Learning and teach towards the good purpose of building each other up in love. Persevere and do not give up. Your life depends on it.